Privacy Notice

1.        Introduction

This Privacy Notice applies to the personal data of individuals ("you" or "your") with dealings or contact with DENSO INTERNATIONAL ASIA CO., LTD. and DENSO SALES (THAILAND) CO., LTD. (“Company”, "we", "us" or "our") through any means. This Privacy Notice will inform you of the basis on which we may collect, use, disclose, transfer and/or process (collectively "process") your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) and all applicable personal data protection laws ("PDPA"), as well as your rights with regards to your personal data processed by the Company or third parties.

2. Collection of Personal Data

Depending on the nature of your interaction with us, the Company may collect various types of your personal data, including the following:

  • Your identity data (e.g. name, identification card number, passport number, driving license number, date of birth, age, gender, nationality, marital status, bank account details, etc.)
  • Your contact details (e.g. residential address, home phone number and mobile number, personal email address, Line ID, Facebook ID, etc.)
  • Your electronic identification data where required for the purpose of dealing with us (e.g. login, access right, passwords, IP address, online identifiers/cookies, system activity logs, access and connection times, image recording or sound such as CCTV recordings, photographs or other images of you, voice recordings or meeting recordings, etc.)
  • Sensitive personal data as described by applicable privacy laws, regulations or standards (e.g. race, ethnic origin, religion, medical record, commission of misconduct, crimes, allegations thereof and/or convictions (criminal records), etc.)
  • Other data falling within the definition of "personal data" in the PDPA

(hereinafter collectively referred to as Personal Data”).

3. Source of Personal Data

We may collect your Personal Data from one or more of the following sources:

  • Information that you voluntarily provide to us (i) directly, such as via websites, telephonic communications, emails, facsimiles, Company questionnaire or survey, or any other written or verbal communications or documents provided to us prior to and during the course of our dealings with you; or (ii) via a third party whom you have duly authorized to disclose your personal data to us after this privacy notice is provided and relevant consent is obtained;

  • Any other sources via which collection and use of your personal data without consent is permitted or required by the PDPA or other laws; or

  • The personal data is publicly available or publicly accessible.

4. Purpose of collection and use of Personal Data

We may collect, use or disclose your Personal Data for any of the following purposes (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Purposes”):

  • creating and managing user account
  • customizing and improving services or/and related products for customers’ use and satisfaction
  • research and statistical analysis
  • sharing and managing information within organization

The Company will process your Personal Data for the Purposes on your consent only when the Company cannot rely the processing on other legal basis, e.g. legal obligation basis, contractual obligation basis, the Company's legitimate interest basis, or vital interest basis.

5. Disclosure or Transfer of Personal Data

We may disclose or transfer your Personal Data to the following categories of recipients:

(a)        DENSO Group Companies. We may disclose or transfer your Personal Data to DENSO group companies (including DENSO Corporation in Japan, the holding company and its consolidated subsidiaries both local and international), whether in the present or future (“the DENSO Group”) for internal administrative purposes and for uses that are consistent with the Purposes.

(b)        Third Parties. We may disclose or transfer your Personal Data to third parties such as legal or other professional advisors, business partners, service providers and/or any third party organizations which the DENSO Group has engaged to perform any functions (“the Third Parties”) for and in respect of the Purposes.

(c)         Regulators or law enforcement agencies. We may share your Personal Data with regulatory bodies or law enforcement agencies where disclosure is required under any applicable laws.

6. Cross-Border Transfers

We may need to transfer your Personal Data to the DENSO Group and/or the Third Parties located outside         Thailand, where the personal data protection standards may be inferior to those under the PDPA, for and in respect of the Purposes. If we do so, we will take steps to ensure that your Personal Data continues to receive a standard of protection that is at least comparable to that provided under the PDPA.

7. Provision of Consent  

If you elect not to provide any of the categories of Personal Data we may request from you, or if you choose not to provide your consent for the Company to process your personal data for any of the Purposes, depending on the nature and scope of the request or your lack of consent, we may not be able to provide you with the services that you want, process your application, establish any business dealings with you, or undertake and achieve the Purposes.

8. Retention of Personal Data

We may retain your Personal Data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the Purposes for which they were collected, or as required or permitted by applicable laws.

We will cease to retain your Personal Data, or remove the means by which the Personal Data can be associated with you, as soon as it is reasonable to assume that such retention no longer serves the Purposes for which the Personal Data were collected, and is no longer necessary for legal or business purposes as required or permitted by the applicable laws.

During the retention period, the Company is committed to ensuring the protection and security of your Personal Data in accordance with the PDPA and other applicable laws. We have put in place appropriate administrative, physical and technical measures accordingly to safeguard your Personal Data from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks.

9. Individual Rights

You have the rights regarding your Personal Data as provided in Annex A of this Privacy Notice. You may exercise the rights by giving notice to the Companys representative (using the contact information below at Clause 10).

10. Contact Information

You can contact us to get further information, clarification or make the request in relation to this Privacy Notice by contacting the below:

  • Email address:

We reserve the right to change and update this Privacy Notice from time to time.  We will post any amendments to the Privacy Notice on our website. The amended Privacy Notice will come into effect from the time that it is posted on our website. Your continued use of our services constitutes your acknowledgement of such changes. We encourage you to periodically review this Notice.



According to the PDPA, each individual has, except in certain circumstances, the following rights through contacting the Companys representative stated as below section 10;

  • subject to the same consequences described in section 7, to request the Company to stop using, limit the Processing of, provide access to, and/or provide the copy of, his/her own Personal Data or data portability
  • to revoke its consent against the Company to collect its own Personal Data toward the future, subject to any applicable legal exceptions or restrictions, contractual conditions and a reasonable time period as well as the consequences as mentioned in section 7
  • to request the Company to delete, anonymize its own Personal Data after such above revocation
  • to make objection or complaint to the Company to collect, use and disclose its own Personal data
  • to request the Company to update or correct its own Personal Data

You also have the right to make complaint with the competent authority in Thailand regarding personal data protection matters.

The Company is committed in ensuring the protection, security, and accuracy of your Personal Data made available to us in accordance with the PDPA and other applicable law as well as the relevant company rules.